Nature reveals the countless ways God provides for His creation
Just one tiny seed. But from it springs a stalk that forms an ear—and God’s principle of multiplication is revealed. The efforts of the farmer increase when he generously sows his field with thousands of individual grains of wheat. God provides the sun and the water. Each seed’s effort multiplies and the farmer reaps a harvest that feeds and benefits a multitude.
The same principle is at work in God’s church.
Although the church is made up of individuals, we find our strength in our united efforts. Each member plays a vital role in the body of Christ so that all may contribute to the picture of Jesus that the world sees. We recognize that our time, or talents, and our possessions are not our own, but a trust given to us by a loving Creator.
The psalmist writes, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1). That is why the Seventh-day Adventist Church has developed a suggested program of systematic giving:
My Personal Giving Plan

A few small seeds combine to plant a field of wheat that ultimately feeds thousands

We return our tithes and offerings as an expression of love for God.

God promises to pour our blessings so that there won’t be room enough to receive them.

While our contributions may seem insignificant, their impact reaches far beyond our expectations.
My Personal Giving Plan encourages each of us to renew our commitment to the principles of Christian stewardship. While it blesses the church as a whole, its real impact is on us as individuals in our faithbased covenant with God.
Everything in God’s creation is orderly and purposeful. The same can be said of My Personal Giving Plan. Like all plans, it requires thought and consideration. God invites us to respond to His church’s needs with both our minds and our hearts. No great work can be built upon emotional or sporadic giving.
Where do the offerings go? | How much should I give? | |
Tithe | For the support of pastors, evangelists, Bible teachers, and administrators. | Biblically mandated as 10% of our income. |
Local Church Budget | Staff salaries, school operating expenses, children’s magazines, teaching supplies, worthy student fund, church bulletins, utilities, maintenance, insurance, etc. | My Personal Giving Plan suggests three to five percent of our income. |
Conference Advance | Christian education, local evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools, the monthly Union magazines, summer camps, and much more. | My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to two percent of our income. |
World Budget | General Conference medical and educational institutions, world mission support, and evangelism. | My Personal Giving Plan suggests one to three percent of our income. |
Special Projects | Capital campaigns for church or school projects, mission trips, supporting ministries, etc. | As God has prospered. |