Local Church Budget
Perhaps the most obvious need addressed in My Personal Giving Plan is the support of the local church. Every week, members see evidence of their offerings in the form of warm, clean, and attractive surroundings in their church home that serves as a light in their community.
And like every family, the local church family has financial obligations to meet. Some, such as power and heat, are easy to see, but many are not so obvious. Property insurance, church school operating expenses, children’s magazines, teaching supplies, Sabbath School study guides, staff salaries, cleaning services, worthy student fund, church bulletins—these are but a few of the costs that must be met month after month.
Because these expenses are constant, My Personal Giving Plan recommends three percent to five percent of one’s income to be set aside for the local church budget. This systematic giving ensures that all share in both the blessings and the responsibilities of the local congregation.

Children’s magazines and Sabbath School study guides are purchased with local church budget offerings.

The local church budget helps keep the lights on. It is used to pay utilities such as electricity, gas, and water.

School operating expenses are a major part of many local church budgets.